This is being written for Andrew’s baby book. (sorry so long)
I was 35 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Andrew Christopher Dillard born 11-25-06 @ 1:29 pm. 5 pounds 13.5 ounces 18 inches
On the morning of November 25, 2006, I woke up at 2:00 am with some clear discharge. I didn’t think anything of it. I changed my panties and went back to bed. This happened again throughout the morning. I called your daddy around 8:00 am. He had to work since he went to the UT game the day before. He told me to take it easy and keep an eye on things. Around 9:00 am I called him back to tell him that you hadn’t moved in a while and that I was getting very worried. I tried juice and soda and I couldn’t get you to move around. I called the doctors office and they told me to come in. I called your Nana and she came and got your Big Sister. My mom came and took me to the hospital. I got to the hospital around 11:00 am. They hooked me up to the monitors and your heartbeat was very strong and you were angry (as usual) that you had those monitors looking for you. The nurse checked me and told me that my water had not broken and that the doc would be right in but that they would probably send me home. The nurse went into the hallway to get the doctor and then I felt some pain and then felt something pop. There was water everywhere. I told my mom and she went and got the nurse. She didn’t believe us until she saw it for herself. My water broke at 11:20 am. The doctor came in and checked me and told me that I was dilated to 1 cm and that it would be a long day and to call your daddy. Your daddy was trying to get someone to relieve him, but the doc reassured him that everything would be ok and that he had plenty of time. Around noon I started having some minor contractions and I was handling everything fine. Around this time all of the nurses started looking worried and were asking if I was in a lot of pain. I told them that I was fine. They called the doctor in and they watched the monitors. I knew something wasn’t right. My doc told my mom to call your daddy and tell him to get there quickly because you needed to be delivered ASAP since your heart rate dropped during every contraction. They prepped me for a c-section. I remember hoping that your daddy would make it to see you being born. I know that your grandma was there taking pictures while you were bring born. I now know that your daddy was in the building but they just couldn’t wait. I remember hearing you scream and that the doctor thought that you looked like a china doll. They said that you had my fair skin. Your daddy saw you a couple minutes after you were born; he met you in the hallway. He stayed with you for a while and then they took you off to the level 2 NICU to be monitored since you were 4 weeks early. While I was in recovery they came in and told your daddy and me that you needed to have 3 blood transfusions. You were born anemic and were very low on blood. We consented and you were given 3 blood transfusions over the next 24 hours. You were also moved to the level 3 NICU. They let me see you in the NICU when they were moving me from recovery to my room. You looked so pale but you were perfect to us. They wouldn’t let me see you again until 1:00 am the next morning. We sat by your bedside for a while and held your hand. Over the next few days your color changed and you came off of the oxygen. They put a line in so that you didn’t have to be pricked every couple of hours. It took 4 attempts to get the central line in. After 6 days in the level 3 NICU you were moved to level 2 since you held down breast milk via a bottle. Since moving to the level 2 NICU you have made a huge improvement. We have been by your bed side everyday. Today, December 6th, we got word that you will be going home on Friday December 8th. Your daddy, big sister, and I can’t wait to have you home. We cherish everyday that you are in our lives. just a side note.. Today he weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce.
Also they still haven't determined what happened and why he was born anemic. I have met with 3 OBGYN's and at least 4 pedi's, they still can't figure out why our blood was mixing and why the blood flow from the placenta changed. We are very lucky to have him here. They determined that due to the blood loss, we would have lost him within the next 24-48 hours. I say that if you ever feel that something isn't right, please go with your instinct. The worse case, they will send you home. It's their job and you are paying them.. never feel guilty for calling or going to the hospital.. in our case it saved Andrew's life. thanks again for all of your prayers and support.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
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