Wednesday, July 25, 2007

8 months!!

Andrew is 8 months old today!! Here are some pictures..

He loves being on the floor.. I call this.. the let me get that for you pose.. :-)

This was Andrew at 7 months in the same chair..

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

DaDa - first word

Andrew's first (so called) word is DaDa... he says it and then looks for Chris.. it's too cute. We are trying to get it on video..

Monday, July 16, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

Pool Tournament & Rock, Paper and Scissors

This is at my work's annual Pool Tournament and Rock, Paper and Scissors competition.

I made it to round 3 and Chris didn't make it through round 1, but we had a blast. Nothing like free drinks, pool and pizza.

Once you were eliminated in the pool tournament, you named was added to the Rock, Paper and Scissors competion. Here's Chris in the semi-finals.

Here's Chris in the Final round...

Oh and the Champion of Rock, Paper and Scissors is...

(Chris got a free hour of pool, a bucket of beer and a $25 visa gift card)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

25 days and counting..

25 days until we leave for Disneyland in California!! We leave August 4th and come back August 11th. We are meeting my best friend, Amber and her family for the week...

We have a very busy week planned. We are going to Medieval Times, Disneyland, Universal Studios, San Diego Zoo and Sea World. I can't wait to share pictures...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

just hanging out..

Here's Andrew, Chris and I at the park. Chris is playing softball with my work. (Andrew and I just watch him)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July

We went to watch the fireworks for the 4th of July. Andrew did ok for the first couple of minutes and then he had a meltdown... so we headed home.. here's to trying again next year.

new stroller

Here's Andrew's new University of Texas Limited Edition stroller. (Chris is very excited aout it!!)

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

In the big boy highchair

Here's Andrew finally in the big boy highchair!!