Monday, January 29, 2007

Andrew's 2 month check-up

January 29, 2007
This is what Chris sent out after his 2 month check up..
hello everyone today i took andrew to his doc. appointment. and we wanted to give everybody a brief up date on how is doing. he got all of four shots today so he is not very happy. anyway here are the names of the shots ipv,dtap,comvex/hepb/hib/,revnan and rotaninus. his weight is 11 pounds and 9 ounses he at his idel wieght. and he is eating just fine. his length 22 and half inches. head sze 15 and three fourths. she siad that he is he doing fine by holding his head up for his age and that we schould put him on his stomach so that he can hold it up more offtten and give it strength. he also should be trying to turn about half way over. other than that she said that he is doing fine and that we should keep him on the same feeding schedual that he is on. she gave us some sampels of formula to try that is suppose to keep him from spitting up often and having gas. thats all i can rember of what his ped. said he has another appointment in 2 months with more shots.

we will let everybody know more on his next appointment or anything elese that comes up.

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