Sunday, June 10, 2007

Horseback riding on our camping trip

We went horesback riding at Huntsville State Park. It was a 3 mile ride. It lasted about 1 and a half hours. Andrew did great. He played and screamed at the horse for the first 30 minutes, then napped for half an hour and then ended up laughing and playing for the remainder of the ride. Christine did great too. She is really comfortable on a horse too.

Chris, Andrew and Christine right before we left to go riding.

Christine being shown how to ride a horse. Her horse was named Starr.

Here we are riding on the trails.

Here is Christine on her horse Starr.

Here is Chris and Andrew on Reba. (Chris loves Reba McEntire, so he was very excited!!) this was taken at the end of the ride so they were both exhausted.

Me at the end of the ride.. My horse's name was Stormy.

Here are Stormy (my horse, the white one) with Christine on Starr.

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